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Packages for YouTube Marketing

What is the Price of YouTube Ads?

If you’re searching for top-notch YouTube marketing packages in India but are uncertain about the expenses associated with YouTube Advertising, you’ve landed at the perfect spot to learn about the cost of advertising on YouTube.

Atlantis Digital Technologies is a comprehensive YouTube promotion firm in India that provides budget-friendly YouTube Advertising Packages for businesses of all scales. Our YouTube advertising packages range from 10,000 INR to 25,000 INR per month.

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What is the Cost of YouTube Advertising Packages in India?

On average, businesses pay approximately $0.10 to $0.30 per view or action for YouTube Advertising, with an average daily budget of $10.In the past, it was commonly said that a picture is worth a thousand words. With technological advancements, it is safe to say that a video is now worth ten thousand words. The field of marketing and advertising has never been as advanced as it is today. Businesses of all sizes, whether small, medium, or large, are constantly searching for new strategies, innovative solutions, and fresh ideas to promote their products and services.

In their pursuit of an enhanced marketing approach, numerous business owners have recognized the value of YouTube Marketing as a worthwhile investment. Atlantis Digital Technologies, a reputable YouTube marketing company, offers YouTube advertising packages in India that effectively propel our clients’ businesses in the right direction.

International YouTube Advertising

The average cost of advertising on YouTube globally typically falls within the range of $0.10 to $0.30 per view or impression, on average.

Business Benchmarks
Average Cost
Average CPM (cost per thousand impression)
$4 to $10
Average budget set by an average business
$10 to $50

Packages for YouTube Marketing in India




Best for Small Business




Best for Mid Size Business




Best for Large Business

Varieties of YouTube Ads

TrueView Ads True

View ads provide viewers with the flexibility to either watch the ad or skip it, ensuring that they are not compelled to view it.

Instream Skippable Video Ads

These ads give advertisers the freedom to create promotional videos of various durations.

TrueView Discovery Ads

Formerly known as in-display ads, these ads help brands get discovered on the YouTube homepage, search results, and other relevant locations.

Pre-Roll In-Stream (Non-Skippable) Ads

These non-skippable video ads are played either at the beginning, middle, or end of a video.

Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are the shortest type of ads, typically lasting only around 6 seconds. They are displayed at the start of a video.

Outstream Ads

Outstream ads are specifically designed for mobile devices and are displayed in non-video environments. They play as users scroll down a web page.

Masthead Ads

Masthead ads appear in the YouTube Home feed on both mobile and desktop devices. They are displayed without sound and can last for up to 30 seconds.

Now, Let’s Examine Other Factors That Influence the Cost of YouTube Ads

Audience Targeting

YouTube offers various audience targeting options to help advertisers reach their desired audience. It’s important to note that certain audiences may be more difficult to reach, which can impact the cost of your YouTube ad.

For more precise targeting, you have the option to select specific YouTube channels where your ad will appear. You can even choose particular videos that align with your audience’s preferences.

Audience Targeting

During the campaign setup, you can search for and include channels in the “Placements” section. To maximize the impact of your campaign, it’s advisable to choose high-performing channels for your advertising efforts.

Below are the available targeting options for YouTube advertising:

  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Life Events
  • Custom Intent


Similar to other advertising platforms, YouTube advertising operates on a bidding system. This means that the cost of a YouTube ad is influenced by how your competitors bid for the same ad placement.

For video ads, you typically bid on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) or cost-per-view basis. You will be charged each time a viewer interacts with or watches the ad for more than 30 seconds.

Daily Advertising Budget

The affordability of YouTube advertising is undoubtedly one of its greatest advantages. Running YouTube ads is both easy and cost-effective for businesses. You can begin with a minimum daily budget of $10 to run your ad, and you always have the flexibility to adjust it for optimizing the performance of your YouTube ad.

When determining your daily budget for YouTube advertising, it is generally recommended to consider the following factors:

  • Campaign Duration: Determine the length of time you want your advertising campaign to run.
  • Cost Per Day: Decide the amount you are willing to spend each day in order to achieve your campaign objectives.
  • Selecting Low-Cost YouTube Ad Categories: Explore the option to choose affordable YouTube ad categories that can help you make the most of your budget while still achieving your campaign objectives.

Strategies for Maximizing the Performance of Your YouTube Advertising Campaign and Optimizing Costs

Irrespective of whether you are a start-up or a multinational corporation, YouTube advertising offers tremendous market exposure for businesses aiming to enhance their presence. There are various approaches you can adopt to enhance the performance of your advertising campaign while effectively utilizing your allocated budget. Let’s explore these strategies below.

Determining the Manager of Your Campaign

Running a YouTube advertising campaign requires both effort and time. To ensure optimal results, it is essential to choose a capable individual who can effectively manage the campaign.

You have the option to create and run in-house ads by yourself. Alternatively, if you have a dedicated marketing team, you can assign them the responsibility.

If you decide to manage the campaign yourself, you will need to define a daily ad budget that aligns with the desired ad placements and objectives. For example, if you run one-minute ads and pay based on viewers watching at least half of the ad, you need to evaluate the value this brings to your business. It is important to compare the cost of YouTube advertising against the benefits you derive from the ad.

Another option is to hire a dedicated video marketing company to handle your YouTube ads. This approach is particularly beneficial for those lacking prior experience in running YouTube ads or for those who prefer to outsource campaign management to experts, allowing them to focus on core competencies. However, it’s important to note that the YouTube advertising cost will increase as you will need to compensate the video marketing company for their campaign management services.

Lastly, consider the cost of video creation, which depends on factors such as video length, camera angles, script length, and more. Although this may appear complex, considering the significant benefits offered by YouTube advertising, it is truly worthwhile.

Clearly Define Your Target Audience

The ultimate goal of your YouTube ad is to capture the attention of your intended audience. As a result, your primary focus should be on creating and executing an advertising campaign that effectively reaches and engages this specific audience.

Here are some highly effective methods for targeting your desired audience.

Targeting Demographics

With billions of users on the YouTube platform, ranging from children to young adults, the elderly, housewives, business professionals, and more, it is crucial to avoid targeting everyone, as it would dilute the purpose of your ad.

Instead, it is essential to narrow down your focus to a specific segment of the audience that is most relevant to your product or service. For instance, when setting up your advertising campaign, defining the target age group, gender, income levels, geographical region, and other relevant factors becomes imperative. This approach will significantly enhance the effectiveness of your ad.


Each individual has their own preferences and interests. Therefore, it is crucial to tailor your ad to appeal to those who are genuinely interested in such content. This can be accomplished by targeting specific interests under the designated section.

Video Remarketing

Video remarketing involves targeting individuals who have already engaged with your business. By showcasing your ads to those who have previously viewed your ads or videos, you can reinforce your brand and increase engagement.

Life Events

People undergo significant life changes, leading them to search for things they previously had little interest in. For instance, marriage can completely shift a person’s priorities and desires. You can effectively advertise your vacation advisory service exclusively to newlywed couples.


Placements refer to the selection of channels where you want your ads to be displayed. It is important to choose channels that are closely related to your product or service. For example, if you sell fans or tube lights, selecting a channel that showcases such products would be ideal.

In-Market Audiences

Google’s intelligent algorithm can identify when individuals are actively searching for products that align with your offerings and are ready to make a purchase. Targeting in-market audiences enables you to reach people who may have a genuine interest in buying your product.


Select relevant search terms that are associated with specific YouTube channels or videos that your target audience is likely to engage with. Negative keywords allow you to display your ads only on videos that are directly relevant to your offering.

Emphasize Quality Content

Making quality content should be your utmost priority. Whether it’s a short video or a longer one, the content should be engaging enough to captivate the audience’s attention. Therefore, focus on the quality of your video.

For instance, opt for creating high-resolution videos rather than low-resolution ones. Nowadays, there are numerous advanced tools and equipment available to assist you in producing videos of superior quality.

Avoid creating video advertisements just for the sake of having them. Instead, strive to incorporate value that your target audience can derive from the content. Attach a specific goal to your YouTube ad and craft a video that effectively delivers the intended message to your audience.


Prefer Creating Short Video Ads

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In today’s digital landscape, people prefer watching concise video ads that quickly deliver the message without lingering on boring content. Long YouTube ads are less likely to engage the audience, especially when non-skippable. Viewers often opt to exit the page without any engagement.

On the other hand, short yet impactful videos have demonstrated better results in advertising campaigns. In general, it is recommended to keep the video length within 45 seconds. Focus on creating a high-quality video without unnecessarily extending its duration.

Get to the point swiftly without taking detours. Keep in mind that viewers have the option to skip your video after the first 5 seconds, so make the most of this crucial initial period.

Craft Compelling Landing Pages

It is essential to guide your audience to a landing page that offers them additional information or a clear call to action. Therefore, once you have designed an exceptional video ad, the next step is to create powerful landing pages.

By directing your audience to a purposefully designed landing page, you can provide in-depth details about the product, service, or message highlighted in the video ad. Ensure that the content on the landing page is specific and aligns seamlessly with the ad, allowing viewers to easily connect with both the ad and the landing page.

Determining Factors for YouTube Ads Cost

  • Your bidding amount
  • The type of ad you choose
  • Your bidding strategy selection
  • Your targeting options

How to Assess the Success of Your YouTube Advertising Campaign

Once you have selected a YouTube Marketing Package that suits your needs, it’s important to evaluate the effectiveness of your ad. You can achieve this by using predefined evaluation parameters. Here are some key parameters to assess the progress of your YouTube ad campaign:


By measuring the number of times people have viewed or engaged with your video ad, you can gain insights into the reach and audience engagement of your ad.


This parameter helps you determine the number of times viewers have clicked on your video, indicating the level of appeal your ad has to its audience.

Video Viewership

This metric allows you to gauge the percentage of viewers who have watched 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of your video ad. It provides valuable insights into the level of audience engagement and interest throughout the duration of your video.

Avail Affordable YouTube Advertising Packages in India

Impressive statistics regarding the performance of YouTube Ads can capture the attention of any business owner. If you have decided to run a YouTube Ad for your business, you might be interested in knowing the cost of YouTube Ads.

Whether you own a small, medium, or large business, Atlantis Digital Technologies can assist you with YouTube Marketing by creating a well-planned YouTube marketing strategy and offering affordable YouTube marketing packages. To accommodate businesses of different sizes, Atlantis Digital Technologies has categorized its YouTube marketing packages into three divisions: Basic, Advanced, and Enterprise.

How Much Do YouTube Marketing Packages Cost with Atlantis Digital Technologies in India?

The classification of YouTube Marketing Packages enables us to deliver the desired results for our customers. Our Gold, Silver, and Bronze Packages allow our clients to meet their needs according to their budget.

YouTube Marketing Packages

Basic YouTube Marketing Packages


Per Month

Youtube Marketing

  • Youtube Channel Creation
  • Cover Photo And Profile Pic Creation
  • Video Optimization – 1 Video Per Week
  • Custom Thumbnail Creation
  • Keyword Research
  • Status Posting*
  • Responding To Comments
  • Playlist Creation
  • Video Backlinks Creation
  • Video Creation
  • End Screen Cards Creation
  • Information Cards Creation
  • Video Tags Creation
  • Youtube Analytics Monitoring
  • Competitors Analysis

Youtube Ads

  • YouTube Ad Account Set Up
  • Video Ads- 2 Per Month
  • Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Bumper Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • YouTube Video Sequence Ads
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • A/B Testing Of Targeting
  • Remarketing Video Ads
  • Video Ads With Promotion Of Your Products
  • Monthly Report
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Advanced YouTube Marketing Packages


Per Month

Youtube Marketing

  • Youtube Channel Creation
  • Cover Photo And Profile Pic Creation
  • Video Optimization – 2 Video Per Week
  • Custom Thumbnail Creation
  • Keyword Research
  • Status Posting*
  • Responding To Comments
  • Playlist Creation
  • Video Backlinks Creation
  • Video Creation
  • End Screen Cards Creation
  • Information Cards Creation
  • Video Tags Creation
  • Youtube Analytics Monitoring
  • Competitors Analysis

Youtube Ads

  • YouTube Ad Account Set Up
  • Video Ads- 4 Per Month
  • Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Bumper Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • YouTube Video Sequence Ads
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • A/B Testing Of Targeting
  • Remarketing Video Ads
  • Video Ads With Promotion Of Your Products
  • Monthly Report
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Enterprise YouTube Marketing PackagesRecommended


Per Month

Youtube Marketing

  • Youtube Channel Creation
  • Cover Photo And Profile Pic Creation
  • Video Optimization – 4 Video Per Week
  • Custom Thumbnail Creation
  • Keyword Research
  • Status Posting*
  • Responding To Comments
  • Playlist Creation
  • Video Backlinks Creation
  • Video Creation: 1 Min Video /Month
  • End Screen Cards Creation
  • Information Cards Creation
  • Video Tags Creation
  • Youtube Analytics Monitoring
  • Competitors Analysis

Youtube Ads

  • YouTube Ad Account Set Up
  • Video Ads- 6 Per Month
  • Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Bumper Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • YouTube Video Sequence Ads
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • A/B Testing Of Targeting
  • Remarketing Video Ads
  • Video Ads With Promotion Of Your Products
  • Monthly Report
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What’s Included in Our Pricing Packages for YouTube Ads?

Tailored YouTube Advertising Strategy

We begin by creating a personalized YouTube Marketing Strategy that aligns with your specific business objectives.

Custom Thumbnail Image

We design or utilize a high-quality still image from your video that captures viewers’ attention and encourages them to click on your video.

Compelling Ad Copy

Our expertise in crafting effective ad copy sets our YouTube Marketing Plan apart. We have the ability to showcase your business concisely and persuasively within the limited space of an ad.

Call-to-Action Creation

We incorporate call-to-action overlays into your ads, providing direct links to a designated URL. Whether it’s your landing page, product page, information page, or career page, we ensure seamless integration to drive user engagement.

Obtain Affordable YouTube Advertising Packages in India

If you are seeking a reliable partner to assist you with well-crafted YouTube marketing strategies, Atlantis Digital Technologies is the perfect choice. In today’s fiercely competitive landscape, whether you run a small online store or a well-established e-commerce business, the growth of your enterprise is unthinkable without a robust marketing campaign.

With extensive experience in the digital marketing industry, Atlantis Digital Technologies possesses comprehensive knowledge of effective marketing practices that can drive lead generation, sales, and conversions for your business. Trust Atlantis Digital Technologies as your preferred YouTube Marketing Service Provider to access exceptional services and proven results. Contact us to learn more about our YouTube Video promotion Plans!

Frequently asked questions

What are YouTube Marketing Packages?

YouTube Marketing Packages offered by Atlantis Digital Technologies are comprehensive service plans specifically designed to promote businesses on the YouTube platform. These packages include a range of services such as video creation, ad campaign management, audience targeting, and analytics.

How can YouTube Marketing Packages benefit my business?

Our YouTube Marketing Packages can provide numerous benefits to your business, including increased brand visibility, targeted audience reach, improved engagement, higher conversion rates, and enhanced online presence. These packages are tailored to meet your specific marketing goals and budget.

What is included in Atlantis Digital Technologies' YouTube Marketing Packages?

Our YouTube Marketing Packages typically include services such as strategic campaign planning, video content creation, ad optimization, audience targeting, performance tracking, and regular reporting. We customize the package components based on your business requirements.

Can I choose the target audience for my YouTube ads with Atlantis Digital Technologies' packages?

Absolutely! We provide options for audience targeting in our YouTube Marketing Packages. You can define parameters such as demographics, interests, locations, and behaviors to reach your desired audience effectively.

How long does it take to see results with YouTube Marketing Packages?

The timeline for results can vary depending on factors such as your business niche, competition, and campaign goals. However, with our YouTube Marketing Packages, you can expect to see noticeable improvements in brand visibility and engagement within the initial months of the campaign.

Can Atlantis Digital Technologies help with video creation for YouTube ads?

Yes, we offer video creation services as part of our YouTube Marketing Packages. Our skilled team can create engaging and professional videos that align with your brand and campaign objectives.

Are there any additional costs apart from the YouTube Marketing Packages?

Our YouTube Marketing Packages cover the core services specified in the package details. However, additional costs may arise if you choose to allocate a higher budget for ad spend, require advanced targeting options, or request any supplementary services beyond the package scope.

Can I customize the YouTube Marketing Packages according to my business needs?

Yes, we understand that each business has unique requirements. We offer flexibility in tailoring our YouTube Marketing Packages to align with your specific goals, budget, and target audience. Our team will work closely with you to create a customized package that suits your needs.

How do I track the performance of my YouTube ads with Atlantis Digital Technologies' packages?

As part of our YouTube Marketing Packages, we provide regular performance reports and analytics. These reports will give you insights into key metrics such as views, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions, helping you assess the effectiveness of your YouTube ad campaigns.

How can I get started with Atlantis Digital Technologies' YouTube Marketing Packages?

To get started, simply reach out to our team through our website or the contact information provided. We will schedule a consultation to understand your business objectives and recommend the most suitable YouTube Marketing Package for your needs.

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